Connie Costa

DSC_4854 (3)Connie Costa is the founder of Laugh and Live Well, Australia’s leading provider of Laughter Wellness presentations, programs and workshops for corporate organisations and workplaces. She is a Laughter Wellness and Laughter Yoga presenter and trainer and a regular speaker at the national Laughter Wellness Conference in Australia. Connie is also an international writer and contributor to the Laughter Online University, an online learning centre for therapeutic laughter.


Connie was personally mentored and coached by Sebastien Gendry, the founder of the Laughter Wellness method, from the USA and Merv Neal, Laughter Yoga for business expert. She played a major role in introducing Laughter Wellness to Australia.


Connie discovered the health benefits of laughter, after a prolonged period of work related stress, which impacted her ability to heal from an injury. She noticed the link between mind and body, stress levels and pain levels. Realising that laughter is a natural counter to stress, she explored therapeutic laughter and found the impact to be profound. Connie is passionate about sharing tools for empowerment, a key theme in all her presentations, so that people have greater control over the way they feel, for enhanced wellbeing.


Connie leads laughter sessions with passion, enthusiasm and compassion. She has presented at conferences and training days for Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Google, the Agency for Clinical Innovation and Community Child Care Co-operative. She has facilitated laughter wellness workshops for Johnson & Johnson, the University of Wollongong, Westmead Hospital, Waverley Council, Work-Shop, Bridge Housing and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, amongst other organisations.


Connie is the coordinator of Bondi Beach Laughter Club, a non-profit community give-back that supports community health, wellbeing and connection.



Certified Laughter Wellness Teacher, Level 2
Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer
Bachelor of Education Honours
Qualified Teacher Status, UK


Please contact us, to discuss how Connie can tailor a presentation or workshop for your organisation.


“In the depths of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.’’ – Albert Camus